Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day of the Surgery

I was not sure what to expect but I really thought that the surgery was going to be no big deal. I got there around 1pm. Got ready in scrubs or gown with an IV in me. I waited for a little while with my wife before going under.

When I came to it was passed 7pm. I felt horrible but the dryness in my throat is what was killing me the most. I was also very hungry since I had to fast.

Sheena was there and I was so happy to have her there with me.

They removed the large mass, the small mass, my thyroid, and around 13 lymph nodes.

It was weird to have a tube for fluids to drain out of my neck and to wear weird socks hooked up to some machine that pumped my legs.

After a day or two I checked out of the hospital and I did not have mobility in my neck for what seemed like weeks.

Now that the surgery was over and I was almost recovered, it was time to figure out when the radiation was going to be. (Radiation is just swallowing a radioactive iodine capsule after going 3 weeks on a low iodine diet)