Sunday, December 27, 2009

Radiation Story

Well the hospital finally got the R131, radioactive iodine in stock. There was a shortage of the stuff that delayed things a few weeks. Everyday that I could not have iodine or thyroid medication I thought that I should start another business and either make or import this radioactive iodine. It seemed ridiculous that there would be a shortage.

So I went in the hospital, they gave me a capsule, I swallowed it and drove home. They did of course take 30 mins at least to review all of the risks and the rules for outpatient care. There were a few rules, but the biggest rule was to stay 6 feet away from people at all times for a week. I could get closer to people, or my wife and children, but only for 10-15 min max at a time.

I never did research the effects of this radiation on my family, but I did try to stay 6 feet away as much as possible.

I also had to sleep in a separate bed. So I slept in the basement in our guest room. It was a lonely bunch of nights.

They told me that if I wanted to I could come in after 3 days and they would measure how radioactive I was at 1 meter. I needed to be under .08 and unfortunately after 3 days I was .12 so I had to continue the rules. The good thing was that after 48-72 hours I started taking my Thyroid medication (generic for Synthroid) and started eating whatever I wanted.

One of the first meals I had was take out from Bajio. (a Fresh Mexican place) I always get the Flauta Bajio Salad with Pork. It was so good that despite finding a piece of mud 3/4 into it in my mouth, I still finished it. (I first rinsed my mouth out)

So then they told me to come back after two more days and they would measure me again. This time they measured me at 1m I was a .02. (a good amount under the .08) So I was finally able to cuddle with my cute wife and kids again. Yahoo!