Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Nothing new to update for now

It has been a few months now and I can almost forget having had two surgeries, 3 crazy low iodine diets, tons of tests and medical expenses. I will have to do more tests later this year but for now I keep taking synthroid and tomorrow I have a physical for Scout Camp. I hope my cholesterol is not high still. I am not sure if that was a result of the Thyroid cancer or not, but it is really strange to have high cholesterol when I eat healthy, exercise a ton (I biked 75 miles last Saturday), and take a very good supplement. At the same time there is some talk of high cholesterol not being the real culprit for heart disease so maybe I am just fine. Either way I'll find out tomorrow.

I have been staying busy with my lovely family, my home security systems utah business, and my natural medicine business with essential oils. Stay tuned for a future update.