Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The day before Thanksgiving (last week) I got a call from Dr Maturlo. (Endrocrinolgist)

I had an appointment the day before that I missed because I was expecting a call before coming in just in case I did not need to come in at all.

Well, come to find out I should have gone in. The tests came back with elevated levels of thyroglobulin and the scans showed another cancerous lymph node the size of a small marble. Basically the same thing we found out in March only 8 months prior.

What does this mean? More Surgery.

Dr Maturlo told me to meet with Dr Denys and have the lateral lymph nodes removed.  Basically, I need to remove them all and be done with it. I could tell she was somewhat frustrated that there is still cancer in my neck from the Thyroid cancer that was removed 3 years ago. Of course her frustration is matched and more intensified by mine where after I hung up I could not help but wonder "why did we do surgery in March?".

I immediately called Dr Douglas Denys' office and set up an appointment for the following week. Until then I did not have many answers and I had to wait a week. We told a few people, but not many since we didn't know the details yet.

Bad news before an anticipated Thanksgiving but nice that Dr Maturlo called me to give it to me rather than wait for a future appointment that could have delayed things and cost more money.

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