Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Annual check up 2 years since thyroid was removed

It has been two years since I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had surgery. I did a blood test and my endocrinologist (Dr Susan Maturlo) told me that I needed a higher does of Synthroid. So I started taking the 225 a day instead of 200 mcg. She also told me that she wanted me to do an ultrasound again. I need to do the low iodine diet for the third time (its an annual tradition now) and do one more scan to make sure I am clean. ARGH! Not what I would prefer to do, but I guess safer than sorry right?

In the last 6 months I have been introduced to doTERRA essential oils. They are natural oils from plants. They have medicinal properties and are natural remedies to hundreds of ailments (see my blog for that at ). The Frankincense oil has helped many people with cancer so I decided to start taking around 3-4 drops a day under my tongue. This way I can prevent cancer from starting anywhere else and kill any off that may have started. This way I can ensure my scan at the end of January is clean. For now I will have a fun Christmas and Hanukkah and New Years and save the low iodine diet till Jan.


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  2. I want to share with you all on how Dr Itua saves my life with his powerful Herbal medicines, I was diagnosed of Oral/Ovarian Cancer which i suffered from for 5 years with no positive treatment until when My son came to me in the hospital when i was laying down on my dying bed waiting for god to call out my name to join him in heaven.
    My son was so excited that very day he came across Dr Itua on Blogspot, we decided to give him a try although we Americans are so scared to trust Africans but i really have no choice that time to choose life in between so we gave a try to Dr Itua Herbal medicines, god wiling he was a good man with a god gift. Dr Itua send us the herbal medicine it was three bottles. I take it for three weeks instructor and this herbal medicines heal me, cure my Oral/Ovarian Cancer completely I have been living for 9 months now with healthy life no more symptoms.
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